Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Passion in Play

     Play was a mayor part of my childhood. It is the reason for my passion to be creative, to learn, and be the best individual I can be. Play helps children understand the world, to solve its problems, to change it. Though play, experimenting can a child discover their passions, their talents, and their dreams. In play, a child can be who they want, do what they want, change the game, the rules, and the world. Child development requires a certain amount of problem solving skills. These skills will help children asses the problem and use their creativity to solve it. It also allows them to asses risk, test their limits, and detect obsticals. The concept of play should be integrated into educating children. Their minds wander, their bodies are restless, and it is impossible for them to fully grasp a concept if they cannot blow off some steam. Play is the key to success. Tests do not define whether or not a person is intellagent. Lecturs are not engaging and will not hold a child's attention. Play, experiments, and interaction inspire a love for learning, creating, and imagining. A world without play would be dull and lifeless. Play is vital for a child to develop fully, and become creative, confident, inspiring individuals.

1 comment:

  1. Wow a lot of powerful words. You have done some pretty awesome blogs and great one to close out. I have a new understanding for play and how vital it is. I am really glad that we were give such useful assignments.
