Friday, October 5, 2012

Standing Up for the Human Race

There are many problems in our country today, huge problems in fact. America is trillions of dollars over its head in debt, hated by several countries, and threatened by their merciless terrorist attacks. There are millions of people out of work as our desperate economy plummets towards a dead end. Despite all of this and more, there are those that spend all their time worrying over pollution or the population of trees. It's time to stop worrying about these things and start looking at the needs of the human race, of people. There is an issue that has always tormented me. The thought that my country, the one that claims to be free, is going against its own constitution. Some American people want the practice of a certain kind of murder to be legal: abortion. There are many issues that might seam unconstitutional, or the government might be over stepping boundaries, but to me, abortion is blatantly against the constitution. What happened to the right of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness? These are human beings, the future of America. This is not about being Republican or Democratic, this is about being human. Studies show that when a baby suffers abortion they feel the pain inflicted upon them. Innocent and helpless, they don't have a voice or defendant. No court case is held to determine why this baby deserves the death penalty. Are these the values America stands for? The methods that are used to perform abortion only add to the brutality. No discussion is needed on the argument that a women has the right to do what she wants with her body because I'm not talking about her body. It doesn't matter how it happened, these bodies, the ones that are dying, belongs to someone else. Adoption is better than abortion. Think of all the children that lost their lives for no reason that could be the people who will change what happens next. They are the change, the next generation, and they deserve a chance to prove it. Children are a blessing, a treasure,and the future of our country.


  1. I just wanted to say that I really like that you decided to talk about this as your "free" blog post. It's something that is constantly argued about and there usually isn't an intellectual side to it. So yay. You also really made me look at abortion in a different light. Although I don't agree with it, it's still an interesting insight. Something I do know from experience, adoption is so much harder on yourself than abortion (at least in some cases). Giving birth to a baby, holding it, seeing it, feeling it.. all of those things bring you so much closer to it. The number of people who were suppose to give their baby up for adoption but ended up keeping it after giving birth is crazy. Then that baby ends up not getting the care it needs. They're living with parents who are young, who have no money, no way to really take care of the child. They grow up miserable. The parent was too selfish to let the child have a better life by going through with adoption fully. Do I think that abortion is always the answer? No. I'd prefer that more people gave their babies up for adoption. But that isn't always the case. Then theres the psychological impact on the child AFTER they find out their adopted. Some kids end up hating their birth parents. Sometimes they don't understand that it's better for them to have been adopted. I do think every situation is different and I wish there was another way to handle it. I don't look down on abortion but I'm not sure I could go through with it myself.

  2. I couldn't agree more with you! I am extremely against abortion, it's not right and it's certainly not fair! My sister got pregnant at 18 and had a beautiful baby boy, he has given my family and I so much love, happiness, and hope. I couldn't image life without him or if my sister was to get an abortion. In my opinion if you aren't ready for a child than don't be sexually active if you are not mature enough to deal with the consequences of it!
